Thursday, July 1, 2010

Quality Education


That's what we want for our kids, for them to have the best education available.

But what is really Quality Education?[gallery]

Is it buying our children the most expensive books and bags? or is it seeing what are the contents of those books, or is it having our children get admissions in the most costly and prestigious schools in town? YES!! That's exactly what's quality education for us. Getting education in one of those big named schools in the city! And what made us think that's quality education, That's because children coming from rich and well off family are getting admissions there, plus its costly,so we assume that they pay good to their teachers and thus their teachers will teach our kids very well. Above all when we sit in a gathering and someone asks the name of the school where our children are studying ,we feel proud when we mention the name of a renowned school.

But my friends that's not what quality education is, quality education is when your child comes home repeating what his/her teacher has taught, quality education is when you sit and open your child's book during study time ,he/she will tell you why 2+2 is 4 and not just justify it saying because my teacher said so. Quality education is when you see your child has reasons for everything he has learnt and when you see that his concepts are clear about just everything irrespective of the school he is studying in or how much his teacher is paid or how much his books cost.

So let's change our point of views and try searching for this golden education instead of the amount to paid.

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