Learning at a given space and time
Education….The Key to Success….Stepping Stone towards a Bright Future…
These are the most common phrases we hear to describe Education. All of us are aware of its importance and significance in our lives. For those who are blessed are given the opportunity to have this ‘Key’ or ‘Stone’ and are able to build a successful life. Let’s not talk about those unfortunate ones who couldn’t have, as it would be another very long topic.
Since Education plays an integral part of one’s life, it’s very important for us adults to provide our children with FUN EDUCATION.

Okay, many would wonder what Fun Education is? Well it’s the same education we have but in a different and effective way for today’s child. Education is a must for everyone and no one should try to escape from it.
But we all know, there are some who escape, in fact a lot of children escape from studies and most parents are just too pre occupied with their work that they don’t bother asking their kids the reason for that and instead tries to ignore the child’s continuous negligence in his studies.
The most common reasons that your child can become very fussy about studies is, heavy bag, boring teachers, strict Principal, strict teachers, boring subjects, school is bad. These are the reasons that your child will give you. But there are actually different meanings of these reasons which your child himself won’t even know, and as a parent you should know so you can find solution to all these issues.
The following will help you understand more about the problems:
I would sum up the above issues with the fact that kids love “play”, they love fun so why not make studies fun for them? Here, both parents and teachers has important role to play.
Teachers should make their lessons interesting and change their method of teaching from the typical one to “learn through play” In this way, the child will be learning while doing something fun, all he knows is he is playing, having fun but in fact he is learning a great deal.
Search the libraries for some good ideas, internet is the best source of latest method of teaching. Please be resourceful and you’ll not only teach but will also learn yourself. For parents, search good and colorful books depends on the age of your child but mind you even adults appreciate colors so choose something really lively, search internet as well and check what interests your child most while you’re doing homework with him, ask him questions.
For kids who are too young to express what they want, ‘learn through play’ is the best method for teachers and parents because this is the age when the child finds it difficult to sit and do some work. So you better have plenty of ‘fun equipment’ to entertain him. e.g Buy him a very good set of coloring materials in a very nice box which will urge him to pick the colors and use it, instead of giving rough paper give his homework and in this way you are making him do his work and for him, it’s fun!
One thing is to be kept in mind while handling kids of this age- Do not pressurize the child to study. If you have set a time for his homework and he is not in mood to do it yet, don’t worry and don’t be angry, give your child the time and space he needs. Try to find out what he wants to do instead and tell him he can finish his homework later on after doing that. In case the child is not ready or willing to do the work at all, leave the matter there, and inform the school the next day.
I’m sure, if your child is in a good school, the teacher or Head would advise you the same not to pressurize the child at all and let him work when he feels like or is ready to.
Note: Age 2.5- 6 yrs is the most important years of your child’s life. You can build his whole personality in these years and teach him as many words as you want at this age. Even this is the right time to make your child learn the languages you want him to learn as a child’s mind at this age is like a SPONGE which can absorb what he sees and hears in his environment.
So GOOD NEWS for parents who want their children to learn English, this is the right time to speak to him in English or provide him with an English environment like, most of the members, if not all, of the family speaks the language, put some English Educational DVD’s , English rhymes etc.
Don’t worry this is not going to be too much for your child, as he would be speaking his mother tongue no matter what. Not only in speaking but the best age to build the habit you want to develop in your child, like reading, namaz, afternoon nap, table manners etc etc.
These are few points only that parents and teachers should keep in mind when handling a child. We can go for detailed stuff whenever necessary. Good Luck!
Education….The Key to Success….Stepping Stone towards a Bright Future…
These are the most common phrases we hear to describe Education. All of us are aware of its importance and significance in our lives. For those who are blessed are given the opportunity to have this ‘Key’ or ‘Stone’ and are able to build a successful life. Let’s not talk about those unfortunate ones who couldn’t have, as it would be another very long topic.
Since Education plays an integral part of one’s life, it’s very important for us adults to provide our children with FUN EDUCATION.
Okay, many would wonder what Fun Education is? Well it’s the same education we have but in a different and effective way for today’s child. Education is a must for everyone and no one should try to escape from it.
But we all know, there are some who escape, in fact a lot of children escape from studies and most parents are just too pre occupied with their work that they don’t bother asking their kids the reason for that and instead tries to ignore the child’s continuous negligence in his studies.
The most common reasons that your child can become very fussy about studies is, heavy bag, boring teachers, strict Principal, strict teachers, boring subjects, school is bad. These are the reasons that your child will give you. But there are actually different meanings of these reasons which your child himself won’t even know, and as a parent you should know so you can find solution to all these issues.
The following will help you understand more about the problems:
- Heavy bag -----> your child actually dislikes the books he is having either because he finds it boring or he can’t understand it.
- Boring teachers --------> it’s not actually the teacher that is boring but her method of teaching which makes her look boring. Go talk to the teacher please.
- Boring subjects --------> He doesn’t understand what is being taught to him or he just doesn’t have interest in understanding it.
- Strict Principal/Teachers ---------> This means he has been scolded or punished about something and trust me you need to know that ‘something’ because of two reasons which are :
- Somebody is bullying him which makes the school bad.
- He himself has done something mischievous due to lack of interest in studies.
I would sum up the above issues with the fact that kids love “play”, they love fun so why not make studies fun for them? Here, both parents and teachers has important role to play.
Teachers should make their lessons interesting and change their method of teaching from the typical one to “learn through play” In this way, the child will be learning while doing something fun, all he knows is he is playing, having fun but in fact he is learning a great deal.
Search the libraries for some good ideas, internet is the best source of latest method of teaching. Please be resourceful and you’ll not only teach but will also learn yourself. For parents, search good and colorful books depends on the age of your child but mind you even adults appreciate colors so choose something really lively, search internet as well and check what interests your child most while you’re doing homework with him, ask him questions.
For kids who are too young to express what they want, ‘learn through play’ is the best method for teachers and parents because this is the age when the child finds it difficult to sit and do some work. So you better have plenty of ‘fun equipment’ to entertain him. e.g Buy him a very good set of coloring materials in a very nice box which will urge him to pick the colors and use it, instead of giving rough paper give his homework and in this way you are making him do his work and for him, it’s fun!
One thing is to be kept in mind while handling kids of this age- Do not pressurize the child to study. If you have set a time for his homework and he is not in mood to do it yet, don’t worry and don’t be angry, give your child the time and space he needs. Try to find out what he wants to do instead and tell him he can finish his homework later on after doing that. In case the child is not ready or willing to do the work at all, leave the matter there, and inform the school the next day.
I’m sure, if your child is in a good school, the teacher or Head would advise you the same not to pressurize the child at all and let him work when he feels like or is ready to.
Note: Age 2.5- 6 yrs is the most important years of your child’s life. You can build his whole personality in these years and teach him as many words as you want at this age. Even this is the right time to make your child learn the languages you want him to learn as a child’s mind at this age is like a SPONGE which can absorb what he sees and hears in his environment.
So GOOD NEWS for parents who want their children to learn English, this is the right time to speak to him in English or provide him with an English environment like, most of the members, if not all, of the family speaks the language, put some English Educational DVD’s , English rhymes etc.
Don’t worry this is not going to be too much for your child, as he would be speaking his mother tongue no matter what. Not only in speaking but the best age to build the habit you want to develop in your child, like reading, namaz, afternoon nap, table manners etc etc.
These are few points only that parents and teachers should keep in mind when handling a child. We can go for detailed stuff whenever necessary. Good Luck!